Documents Submission for the Applicants Wishing to Pass the Training Course for the Assistant Notary Starts

The Notary Chamber of Georgia starts the documents acceptance for the applicants wishing to pass the training course of assistant notary. The number of applicants for the course is determined by 50 candidates.  The number of candidates in a group must not exceed 25 applicants. The training course will be provided for the groups according to the sequence of applications registration. The first group will start the training on October 16. The candidates registered in the second group will be sent the information via e-mail.

The trainings will be provided at the Training Center of the Notary Chamber (Address: Tsereteli Ave. 142, fourth floor) and includes theoretical and practical study. The duration of study is 10 weeks.

Following the successful completion of trainings, the candidates of assistant notaries will be given the proper certificates from the Training Center. A certified person will be registered in the electronic database of Assistant Notary. A qualified assistant is selected by the notary directly from this base.

Documents are received from September 25 of current year and will last including October 04. The following documents of the candidates will be accepted only by electronic form on the following e-mail address:

Terms of documents submission: