Notaries introduced the procedures to receive inheritance to the population in Chakvi

The action “Free Legal Advice” continued in Chakvi Public Center. Meetings organized by the Notary Chamber have already been held at Public Centers in Mukhaestate, Kachreti and Kabali. One of the main issues of the meeting with the population in Chakvi was to receive a succession certificate. The succession certificate is a necessary document to receive the inherited property into possession. The lack of knowledge of the rules and terms to receive the mentioned documents, heir liabilities often creates serious problems for citizens. It is interesting that issuing certificate of succession is an exclusive right of notary. Submission of the application to receive the document is possible to any notary acting in the territory of Georgia. Citizens who attended the meeting received answers on such actual issues as the rights and obligations of the heirs, the sequence of the heirs, the deadlines for the submission of applications, the procedure for refusal of the property and etc.


Chakvi population has received the legal consultations on other issues interesting to them. The goal of the action is to increase the legal awareness of the population. Citizens really need legal education. One of the main reasons for the loss of property, becoming a victim of the transaction is the lack of knowledge of legal issues.


The action “Free Legal Advice” continues. The next meeting of the Notary Chamber is planned to be held on July 28 in Koda.