40 persons will pass the preparation course for notary assistants  40 persons will pass the preparation course for notary assistants
January 22, 2015

Preparation course for notary assistants commenced at the Training Center of the Notary Chamber of Georgia. 40 persons possessing diplomas of higher education will pass 2-months training.

Notary Chamber continues cooperation with the higher education institutions Notary Chamber continues cooperation with the higher education institutions
January 16, 2015

Today the Notary Chamber of Georgia executed the Memorandum of Cooperation with the Georgian-American Universities.

Notary Chamber congratulated the children lacking parental care on the New Year Notary Chamber congratulated the children lacking parental care on the New Year
January 5, 2015

The Notary Chamber of Georgia congratulated the beneficiaries of Bediani House for Children Lacking Parental Care on the New Year.

Activities performed by the Notary Chamber of Georgia during 2014 year
December 30, 2014

As a result of reforms carried out and novelties introduced in notariat in 2014 year:

Notary service, getting of legal advice from the notary has been simplified, notary services for populations of regions and villages have become available.

Acceptance of documents for the courses of notary’s assistant to start
December 15, 2014

From December 15, 2014 the Notary Chamber of Georgia starts acceptance of documents for the courses of notary assistants’ candidates. The deadline is January 09, 2015.