Business Meeting to simplify the services Business Meeting to simplify the services
February 29, 2016

There was held a working meeting between the representatives of the Notary Chamber of Georgia and National Agency of Public Law. The goal of this meeting was to simplify and improve the quality of general services.

The Notaries were introduced the legislative innovations related to financial monitoring The Notaries were introduced the legislative innovations related to financial monitoring
February 22, 2016

The representatives of Financial Monitoring Service informed the Notaries about the amendments made to the Law of Georgia "On Facilitating the Prevention of Legalization of Illicit Income" and Regulation "On Rules of Obtaining, Arranging, Processing the information by the Notaries and delivering to the Financial Monitoring Service of Georgia”.  

“Practical Guide for Notaries” will be available electronically
February 4, 2016

Notary Chamber of Georgia completed its work on "Practical Guide for Notaries". The part of this Guide has been already posted on the website of the Chamber and soon the full electronic version of it will be available for consumers. 

Notary Chamber continues to cooperate with Higher Education Institutions Notary Chamber continues to cooperate with Higher Education Institutions
January 28, 2016

The Cooperation Memorandum was signed between the Notary Chamber of Georgia and International Black Sea University.

Notary services become available in more 6 municipalities
January 27, 2016

As a result of legislative reform in December, the Minister of Justice appointed the notaries in 6 municipalities. Sartichala, Ambrolauri, Tskaltubo, Keda, Kareli, Lentexi – these are the municipalities where notary service has not been properly accessible till today and the population had to go to the nearest cities for obtaining the notary services.