Seminar in Notary Mediation

The mediator notaries were trained to raise their qualifications. The seminar was also attended by newly appointed notaries.

The training was organized by the Training Center of Notary Chamber of Georgia and the EU project “Promotion of Private and Administrative Law Systems in Georgia”.

The notary mediation service in Georgia was introduced in 2013 and it is an alternative form of civil (family, heritage, neighborhood ....) disputes settlement. Since August 2016, the mediator notaries have been actively engaged in simplification of disputes settlement on agricultural lands. Since the enactment to present of the law of Georgia “On Special Rules of System and Sporadic Registration of Rights on Land Plots within the State Project and Improvement of Cadastral Data”, with the assistance of the mediator notaries the dispute among citizens has completed with mutual agreement in about 200 cases.

For activating the mediation service, raising the qualification of mediator notaries, the Training Center of Notary Chamber regularly holds the similar seminars and meetings.