The Notaries have celebrated their professional day

The Chairman of the Board of the Notary Chamber of Georgia, Ms. Nino Khoperia awarded the notaries with regard to the professional day. The diplomas were awarded to those notaries who had 30 years of professional experience and contributed a special role in improving the notarial services. The colleagues and friends thanked them for their work in the notary system. The event was attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Justice and LEPLs.

May 3 is the date of establishment of the Notary Chamber of Georgia. The Notary Chamber was created on May 3, 1996 in Georgia.

The reforms implemented in the notary system were summarized at the meeting. The introduction of electronic services and notary mediation, increasing the availability of notary services and activation of social role of notary were considered as a special success of Georgian Notariat.

The guests were introduced a new web program. It became possible to get information on the succession from the Unified Electronic Heritage Register - from March 14. The applicants have the opportunity to receive the information electronically if there are succession proceedings on the property of the deceased. Also, if there is an application on the issuance of a succession certificate, whether the succession certificate has been already issued or if the succession manager is appointed. In addition, the electronic program includes the data about notary offices where the succession proceedings have started.