The Minister of Justice of Georgia awarded 19 Notaries

The Notaries, who actively support the increase of availability of notary services in the settlements and municipalities of the mountainous regions of Georgia, were given the special awards of the Minister of Justice – the branded medallions.

The rewarding tradition of Notaries by Tea Tsulukiani started in 2014 at the presentation of the new brand of the Notary Chamber. Last year, the gold plated medallions in the shape of the new logo were given to the four notaries for the special merits to the Notariat.

At the end of the event, the Chairman of the Board of the Notary Chamber, Ms. Nino Khoperia presented a report for performed activities of the Notary Chamber in 2015.

The main priorities of the Notariat are to increase the availability of Notary Services and introduce the modern technologies in the system. In this regard, the important activities were performed in 2015 with the support of the Minister of Justice.

There is started the preparations to implement the reform of the notary developed by the Ministry of Justice. According to the legislative changes prepared by the Ministry, a candidate of Notary will be appointed for three year term in the settlement where the notary service is not available. The notary qualification exams were held and the internship of applicants willing to occupy the position of a notary started, which are the necessary conditions for holding the notary position.

The notary service was introduced in the Public Centers. There is possibility to obtain the notary service in 65 public centers.

The Notariat of Georgia is one of the leaders in the development of electronic services. The Notary Chapter constantly upgrades the system with the latest technology. In the nearest future, the Notariat of Georgia will have two more new electronic databases. There started the creation of electronic database for notary documents kept in archive and records of online notary activities in 2015.

The new electronic database will significantly raise the effectiveness of notary activities and the documentation will be more protected.