The internship started at the training center of the Notary Chamber of Georgia

The internship for nominees wishing to hold office as a notary started at the Training

Center of the Notary Chamber of Georgia.

37 interns will undergo the theoretical and practical courses within eight months.

Theoretical training includes the legislation related to the notary and notary activities,

effective service skills. The interns will pass practical trainings in notary offices and

different State Institutions (National Agency of Public Registry, Public Service Development

Agency, National Bureau of Enforcement, Service Agencies).

Upon completion of both courses, the intern will thoroughly have the necessary theoretical

knowledge and practical skills for notary activities.

The internship at the training center of the Notary Chamber is one of the essential

conditions for holding the office as a notary. After successful completion of the internship,

the intern if he passed the notary qualification exam, will have a right to become a notary.

Pursuant to the amendments to the Law "On Notary" prepared by the Ministry of Justice of

Georgia, the candidates who meet all the relevant conditions will be appointed for a term of

three years as the notary in the settlement where the notary service is not available.

Notary Chamber will provide the newly appointed notaries within three years all the

necessary conditions for successful implementation of notarial activities.