Notary service already available at the Public Center of Sartichala

Local population of Sartichala is enabled to get notary service without going out from the village, at their Public Center from today. Such service will be rendered to them once a week, on Thursdays. There are all conditions created for population to get uninterrupted notary service (including on-line services) at the Public Center. As an example, their relatives may have on-line communication with the notary at the Public Center and notarize the Power of Attorney or Statement via skype.

Besides Sartichala Public Center notary services are also available at the Public Centers of five more villages: Foka (Ninotsminda municipality), Kvareltskali (Akhmeta municipality), Mejvriskhevi (Gori municipality) and Mukhaestate (Kobuleti municipality).  Introducing of notary services in the rest Public Centers is planned for the future.

There are functioning 23 Public Centers in various regions of Georgia. Its concept was created within the project of the State Services Development Agency, being implemented by the financial support of the European Union.

Via the said Centers rural population is enabled to get services of central authority and private sector, namely it is ensured to get the following documents and services there:

-          Passport, identity certificate, residence and other necessary certificates, social aid;

-          Registration of land;

-          Services of the national archive;

-          Payment of utility fees;

-          TV communications and banking services are available in a comfortable environment;

-          Special space is ensured for facilitation of public involvement, internet service and meeting rooms are provided for citizens;

-          Any notary service is already available.