12 Marriage contracts executed in 2015 year

Statistics of execution of marriage contracts insignificantly, but still have increased yearly.

In 2010 year 7 marriage contracts were notarized, in 2011- 13 contracts; In 2012 year 21 couples expressed their desire to certify their marriage contract by notary, in 2013 – 23,  in 2014- 32 and this year, in three months 12 marriage contracts have already been notarized.

Marriage contract is certified in notary order and determines property rights and obligations between the spouses within the period of marriage, also after its dissolution.

Contract is executed in connection with the property existing for the moment of registration of marriage, as well as on those acquired during the period of marriage and each spouse’s ownership title and right on the said property are established.

Furthermore, Marriage Contract may also determine the rule of making family expenses within, as well as after the period of marriage.

It must be noted that at notarizing of the marriage contract, right and desire of each spouse are equally considered and no condition causing one of the spouses to appear in a difficult position will be included in it.

Notary-certified marriage contract is a simple and civilized form for solving the property dispute between the spouses in case of marriage dissolution.