Notary Assistant’s course-graduates awarded by certificates

Notary assistant’s course-graduates were awarded by certificates at the Training Center of the Chamber of Notaries. The said course was successfully completed by 25 applicants out of 43. Their data will be placed in the electronic database of assistants at the web-page of Notary Chamber and afterwards notaries will select their assistants from the said database. Four notaries have already expressed their desire to engage them.

Training of notary assistants at the Training Center of the Notary Chamber has begun since 2012 year. 14 course-graduates out of 20 have already been employed; currently 6 of them still work at the notary bureau.

Course applicants are trained in notary legislation, rules of performing notary acts, technical aspects, also standards of efficient service of citizens. Accordingly course-graduates, being engaged at the notary bureaus, render qualified service to citizens.