Presentation of educational film held for mediator notaries

With organization of the Georgian Mediation Center, presentation of educational film for mediator notaries was held at the Notary Chamber of Georgia.

40 minutes film on family mediation teaches us techniques and ways of mediation on an example of certain family conflict. Furthermore, Machei Tanski, the expert of Polish Medication Center shares his own experience in the film.

After show of the film, discussions were held.

Service of mediator notaries in Georgia was launched in 2012. Notary performs the function of mediator in inheritance, family, neighbor and other civil disputes on property and non-property matters.

Disputing parties no more require to apply to the court and manage to regulate it by notary’s assistance, easily, cheaply and in a comfortable environment.

Moreover, notary draws up and notarized document, an act of agreement, defining the obligations of each party and in case of failure, a writ of execution to be issued.

Notary mediation is performed by the certified notaries.

With organization of the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) and Georgian Mediation Center, the notaries have passed the corresponding training.

Registry of mediator notaries is available at the web-page of the Notary Chamber of Georgia.