Activities performed by the Notary Chamber of Georgia during 2014 year

As a result of reforms carried out and novelties introduced in notariat in 2014 year:

Notary service, getting of legal advice from the notary has been simplified, notary services for populations of regions and villages have become available.


Registering of application and title in the Public Registry with the Notary

Since 2014 concurrently to the National Agency of Public Registry an application and title on the property may be registered by any notary practicing within the territory of Georgia.

Results: a citizen may get notary service, as well as those of the National Agency of Public Registry with the notary and pay only the costs of registration in the Public Registry.

For example, a person applying to the notary office after having executed an agreement (mortgage, purchase, loan ... agreements) need not to go to the Public Registry for registering the said agreement. Notary will ensure registration of one’s application in the Public Registry.

Concurrently to the National Agency of Public Registry notary is also enabled to receive the application on registration of agricultural cooperative.

Accordingly, along with notarization of the Charter of Cooperative, notary provides the registration of cooperative.


Available Notary Service

Until November of 2012 year, there was no notary service available for the population of 14 regions of Georgia. Throughout many years the local population had to go to the neighboring regions for getting notary services. It was certainly associated with extra expenses.

At the initiative of the Minster of Justice Tea Tsulukiani, a campaign ,,Become the Notary of Your Region” was launched.

As a result of this campaign before 2014 year notaries were appointed in 7 regions out of above mentioned 14, while in 2014 – in three regions (Akhmeta, Vani aspindza)

 Additional notary bureaus opened in the cities and regions also lacking notaries. For example, before 2014 there was only one notary office in Dusheti and Kaspi Regions, also in Poti and only two in Gardabani Region.

Notary service will be equally available for any citizen residing within the territory of Georgia in the nearest future.


Free legal consultation from Notary

Starting from February of 2014  year, every day except Saturday and Sunday from 14:00-to 15:00 you may get  services of  Notary Consultation Center (telephone number: 2 000 778) where all required advices from competent, professional lawyers may be obtained free of charge.

About 50 citizens get consultations from the Center daily.


For ensuring the security of citizens

The electronic database of the Notary Chamber of Georgia has one more new database – those of terrorists and persons facilitating terrorism.

These data is used by many countries worldwide for ensuring the security of their citizens. Aliens coming to Georgia frequently apply to the notaries for performing notary acts. Accordingly, Georgian notaries are also enabled to use the general electronic database of terrorists and verify client’s data in it.

One of the priorities of the Notary Chamber of Georgia is exactly ensuring the security of clients.


Number of Mediator Notaries has increased

From 2014 year the function of mediator was assigned to 72 more notaries. They were held seminars in the field of notary mediation by Polish and Georgian experts.

Notary mediation is an alternative and simplified form of dispute resolution. Dispute is resolved without considering in a court, only by notary’s assistance. The said service has been introduced in Georgia since 2013.

Notary performs mediator’s functions on the civil disputes on inheritance, family, neighborhood, also on  other property or non-property disputes. After resolving the dispute a notary draws up a notarized document – deed of mutual agreement, defining the obligations of each party.

With the notary’s assistance the disputing parties manage to solve the dispute simply, with less expenses and in a comfortable environment.

Register of mediator notaries is placed at the web-site of the Notary Chamber of Georgia.


New Board of the Notary Chamber of Georgia

On May 17, 2014 a new chairman and members of the Board were elected at the general meeting of members of the Notary Chamber of Georgia.

According to the Law ,,On Notary”, selection of the candidacy of the chairman of the Board and its presenting to the general meeting for election is the sole authority of the Minister of Justice. But at the decision of Tea Tsulukiani, the candidacy of the chairman was selected considering the primary polling of notaries. Majority of notaries supported Nino Khoperia’s candidacy on the position of the Board of the Chamber.

Nino Khoperia chaired the Notary Chamber in 2005-2012 years. Throughout this period the fundamental  reforms were carried out in the Notariat.

The meeting elected Marika Gogoladze as the deputy-chairman and Nargiza Jnkhoteli, Khatuna Kalandarishvili, Tinatin Devdariani, Nino Topuria and Megi Maghaldadze as members of the Board of the Notary Chamber of Georgia.


Notaries rewarded by the Deputy Minister of Justice

Due to the professional day of notaries the Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia Mikheil Sarjveladze awarded notaries. Certificates of appreciation were given to the notaries, who have contributed to improvement of notary service.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Justice and its LEPL-s. Branded presents of the Notary Chamber were given to all guests.

The management of the Notary Chamber introduced achievement of the Georgian notariat, reforms related to improvement of notary service to the attendees.

The professional Day of Notaries is celebrated in Georgia since 2002. It is related to Christian celebration of the Day of Saint Martyrs Markianes and Martviri. In the fourth century in Constantinople they performed notary duties and were condemned to death.

According to the traditions the Notary Chamber carried out a charitable action related to the professional holiday and delivered household wares and food products to Tbilisi retirement home.


Works done by the Training Center

Mandatory seminars for notaries

Training Center of the Notary Chamber of Georgia has organized the mandatory seminar for notaries, covering all urgent and topical issues associated with notary  activities.

Last year the seminars were held on several important issues such as:

-         Details associated with the issue of writ of Execution by the notary;

-         Inheritance Law;

-         Entrepreneur Law;


Elaboration of comments of the instruction ,,on the rule of performing notary acts” has started


Seminar for future consuls

Employees of diplomatic representations of Georgia abroad, future consuls were held seminar on the legal and technical matters associated with performance of notary acts.


Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation

The Notary Chamber of Georgia executed a Memorandum of Mutual Cooperation with the Spanish Law Institute.

Within the frames of cooperation the visit of Georgian notaries to Spain is planned. Furthermore, Spanish notaries will also visit Georgia and deliver lectures, also joint scientific research will be done.


International Relations

On September 12-13, 2014 the Notary Chamber of Georgia hosted the International Conference of Notaries. The Conference was attended by 60 representatives of notary chambers from 15 countries. Majority of the said states are the members of the International Union of Notaries.

This was the third time that Notary Chamber of Georgia hosted the International Conference, but conferences held in 2010-2012 were not as extensive as the last one.

Notary Chamber of Georgia became the member of the International Union of Notaries in 2007 year.

International visits

General Assembly of UINL member notariats

On 9-12 October, 2014 the General Assembly of UINL member states was held in Budapest, Hungary.

Nino Khoperia, Chairman of the Board of Notary Chamber of Georgia and David Okroshidze, the member of the General Council of the International Union took part in it.


International Conference

On October 19-20, 2014 an International conference was held in Vilnius, Lithuania.

Representatives of the Board of the Notary Chamber of Georgia – Deputy Chairman Marika Gogoladze and members – Nargiza Jankhoteli and Tinatin Devdariani attended the conference.


Meeting of the Commission on European Affairs of the UINL

On November 21-22, 2014 meeting of the Commission on European Affairs of the UINL was held in Barcelona, Spain.

Nino Khoperia, Chairman of the Board of Notary Chamber of Georgia attended the meeting.

Along with other issues, the results of the International Conference held in Georgia on September 12-13, 2014 were discussed. The said conference had positive feedback and the Minister of Justice, Tea Tsulukiani and Notary Chamber of Georgia were thanked for facilitation and organization of the conference.


Visit to Germany

On December 7-22, 2014, two German cities Berlin and Wurzburg was visited by the members of the Notary Chamber of Georgia and employees of the Chamber, to get acquainted with the activities of German Notary institute, Public and Entrepreneurs Registries under the local courts, Federal Notary Chamber and notary bureaus.