Due to the professional day of notaries the Deputy Minister of Justice of Georgia Mikheil Sarjveladze awarded notaries. Certificates of appreciation were given to the notaries, who have contributed to improvement of notarial service.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Justice and its LEPL-s. Branded presents of the Notary Chamber were given to all guests.

The management of the Notary Chamber introduced achievement of the Georgian notariat, reforms related to improvement of notarial service to the attendees.

The professional Day of Notaries is celebrated in Georgia since 2002. It is related to Christian celebration of the Day of Saint Martyrs Markianes and Martviri. In the fourth century in Constantinople they performed notary duties and were condemned to death.

According to the traditions the Notary Chamber carried out a charitable action related to the professional holiday and delivered household wares and food products to Tbilisi retirement home.