According to the Decree of the Minister of Justice two more notaries were appointed in regions: Kaspi and Lagodekhi. There was only one notary in the Kaspi region and two in Lagodekhi before. As of now the notary service has become more available for population of the mentioned regions. 

Based on the initiative of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia first of all notaries are appointed to the regions and towns, where there is no notary bureau or the number of notary bureaus was insufficient and population had to go to another region for notarial service. Since 2012 up to now the population of 10 regions out of 14 regions without notaries, already have notaries. Meanwhile notaries were appointed in the regions, where there was only one or two notary bureau.

The Notary Chamber of Georgia actively participates in the campaign stipulating maximal increase of availability of notarial services for the population. The Chamber assists notaries appointed in regions in effective implementation of notarial activity and helps them to organize their notary bureaus according to the existing standards.