Member of the Board of the Notary Chamber of Georgia David Okroshidze introduced activity of the Georgian notariat to members of the SIDA assessing mission, Swedish donor organization.

At the meeting the conversation concerned certain issues of functioning of the notariat. The guests were especially interested in activity of a notary as of an authorized person of the Public Registry, the regulation on notarization of deals related to real estate.

According to David Okroshidze the Ministry of Justice has many years of cooperation with legal entities of public law: Notary Chamber of Georgia and National Agency of the Public Registry. Nowadays all notaries acting in Georgia are authorized users of the Public Registry and they have an access to the software of the Public Registry. Meanwhile since 2012 notaries were given the function of property registration simultaneously with the National Agency of the Public Registry.  

As a result of cooperation of two institutions service delivery to customers has become much more effective and comfortable. Citizens, who have come to a notary bureau, can get notary and non-notary service without leaving the notary bureau, e.g.: during registration of a mortgage agreement a notary provides registration of the mortgage agreement in the Public Registry and citizens do not have to go to the National Agency of the Public Registry or the House of Justice. Meanwhile access to software of the Public Registry simplifies search of other information of legal character relate to the deal for a notary. Therefore a citizen is maximally protected against expected risks during registration of a deal.