According to the Decree of the Minister of Justice one more notary was appointed in Kvareli. Therefore the population of the given Region will have already two notaries.

Out of seven notaries appointed in 2014, five of them started their activity in regions. Kvareli, Akhmeta, Dusheti, Gori are the regions, where notary service has become more available for the population.

In Akhmeta a notary bureau did not operate since October of the last year, in other regions number of notaries was not sufficient for effective service of the population.

According to the initiative of the Minister of Justice, no town or region should be left without notary service. In the nearest future notaries will be appointed to the regions, which still do not have a notary (Vani, Oni, Ambrolauri, Aspindza, Adigeni, Mestia, Keda).

16 candidates out of those, who have participated in the notary qualification examination (the first two tours of which were carried out on the 10th of February of the current year) demonstrated their will to start their activity in the mentioned regions. 9 of them passed the first tour of the examination. The second tour will be carried out on the 18th-19th of February. 

For such candidates a privilege at the qualification examination was introduced: they are exempted of payment of the test fee.

The Notary Chamber of Georgia maximally supports the notaries appointed in regions helping to organize a notary bureau and providing them with material and technical base.