Today a qualification test is carried out at the Training Center of the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. 127 candidates participate in the competition. 156 of them demonstrated their will to start notarial activity in regions, where nowadays there is no notary.

The test is carried out in two stages in the form of testing, skills and professional part.

Passing the notary qualification examination is one of the obligatory conditions to occupy the position of a notary.

Nowadays there are 253 notary bureaus in the territory of Georgia. Nevertheless seven more regions are still without a notary.

The priority of the Ministry of Justice and the Notary Chamber is to appoint notaries in the all regions of Georgia to make notary service available for residents of all towns and regions. Any citizen of our country should be able to get notary service without extra expenses and time.

The last year majority of appointed notaries deliver notary service in cities and towns, where there had been no notary bureau, or number of notaries was insufficient for perfect service of the population.

According to Acting President of the Notary Chamber of Georgia Lali Gzirishvili, the Notary Chamber helps notaries appointed in regions in organization of their notary bureau, technical equipment and efficient implementation of the notary service. Additionally those candidates, who demonstrate their wish to work in regions without notaries, have enjoyed special privileges. At the first stage they are exempted of the fee of qualification test (150 GEL).

In compliance to the decree of the Minister of Justice of Georgia the maximal number of notaries was defined to be 300. Therefore 47 persons with legal education have a chance to occupy position of a notary.