Notary Mediation

What is notary mediation?

Notary mediation is an alternative and simplified form of dispute resolution. Dispute is resolved without considering in a court, only by notary’s assistance.

Notaries have been assigned mediator’s functions on the civil disputes on inheritance, family, neighborhood, also other property or non-property disputes.

Disputing parties start negotiations in the presence of notary and achieve agreement with its assistance.

Mediation process may be conducted within as well as outside the notary office.

Advantages of notary mediation

Solving of disputes simply and cheaply – disputing parties shall have no more apply to the court, just go to any mediator notary and pay less.

Volunteer and not compulsory process –for solving the dispute the conflicting parties apply to notary at their own will;

Equality – mediator notary, as an impartial advisor, equally protects the interests of each disputing party and assists them to reach an agreement;

Confidentiality – notary has no right to reveal information becoming known to it in the mediation process;

By ending of  mediation the conflict is also ended – notary mediation is not only the guarantee of agreement, but also of reconciliation;

Act of agreement – a document of indisputable evidence – following the resolution of dispute the notary draws up an act of agreement and attests it in notary order. Duties and obligations of each party are defined by the said document.

Facilitation of justice – courts will be unloaded from considering the civil disputes. 

Certified Notaries perform Notary Mediation.

Mediator Notaries